序号 | 论文名称 | 作者 | 发表时间 | 刊物名称 |
1 | Influence on Asphalt Pavement Fatigue Damage of Different Gap between Dual Tires | 胡朋 | 2011.8 | ICCTP2011 |
2 | Preparation and characterizations of Na2Ti3O7, H2Ti3O7 and TiO2 Nanobelts | 王彦敏 | 2011.08 | Advanced Materials Research |
3 | 基于地质灾害危险性评价的公路路线优化技术研究 | 叶亚丽 | 2011.9 | 公路 |
4 | Effect of Nano Calcium Carbonate and Montmorillonite on Properties of Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene Copolymer Modified Asphalt | 韩念凤 | 2011.9 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
5 | Preparation and Properties of PS-OMMT/SBS Composite Modified Asphalt | 周德杰 | 2011.9 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
6 | Micron fly ash /SBS Modified Bitumen: Preparation and Aging Property | 周德杰 | 2011.9 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
7 | Study on Three-dimensional Turbulence Characteristics of Curved Channel Flow | 王日升 | 2011.9.2 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
8 | The Space Model of Dynamic Analysis of Seated Large Diameter Cylinder Breakwater under Random Waves | 钟晓红 | 2011.9.2 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
9 | Analysis Model of The Dynamic Response of a Large Diameter Cylinder Breakwater (LDCB)under Random Waves | 钟晓红 | 2011 | ICCTP |
10 | Static Model test on Fly Ash Embankment of Expressway | 葛颜慧 | 2011 | Applied Mechanics and Materials 2011.9 Vols. 99-100 pp 1182-1185 |
11 | Effect of axial compression ratio on shear strength of reinforced light-weight concrete shear walls | 汪明栋 | 2011 | Electric Technology and Civil Engineering (ICETCE), 2011 International Conference |
12 | Design and application of spiral protyuding multi-disk piles | 汪明栋 | 2011 | Civil Engineering and Transportation,ICCET,2011,International Conference |
13 | The Establishment of Wave Model in QingdaoFushanBay | 李水鱼 | 2011 | Advanced Materials Research |
14 | The Optimum Road Length in the Container Port | 李水鱼 | 2011 | Advanced Materials Research |
15 | 热压烧结法制备多壁碳纳米管-Fe3Al复合材料 | 庞来学 | 2011 | 粉末冶金材料科学与工程 |
16 | Determination of sulfate concentration of soil used for assessment of the sulfate attack to concrete | 张旭 | 2011 | Advances in Building Materials 7-9 January 2011 |
17 | Seismic behavior analysis of beam-column jionts of steel structure semirigd | 葛颜慧 | 2012 | CEABM 2012 |
18 | Study on key technology in the control surveying of Jinan-Qingdao highway's south line | 王德保 | 2012.2 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
19 | “s”型覆岩空间结构煤柱导致冲击失稳的力学机制研究 | 史红 | 2012supp.2 | 岩石力学与工程学报 |
20 | Surface Modification Research for Asphalt Mixture Filler | 李晶 | 2012 | CEABM2012 |
21 | The Study of Land Supply Management under Asymmetric Information | 李忻忻 | 2012 | Sustainable Cities Development and Environment |
22 | Optimal study of Reinforcement on a Karst Slope of Shui-Nan Highway | 刘金慧 | 2012 | Materials Science and Information Technology |
23 | Study on Stress and Distribution of Curved Channel through Experiment | 王日升 | 2012.5 | CEABM 2012 |
24 | Location of Logistic DistributionCenter Supported by ArcGIS | 杨延珍 | 2012.05 | CEABM2012 |
25 | 公路避险车道灰色定位评估模型 | 李超 | 2012.05 | 长安大学学报自然科学版 |
26 | A method for temperature correction of HMA dynamic modulus | 叶亚丽 | 2012.05 | CEABM2012 |
27 | Study on the technology coefficient of surporting for deep coal mine tunnels | 张伟 | 2012.05 | CEABM 2012 |
28 | Time frequency analysis of blasting vibration superposing singnal under different millisecond intervals | 张伟 | 2012.05 | CEABM 2012 |
29 | Construction Project Risk Analysis Method | 万德臣 | 2012.05 | ICETCE2012 |
30 | Research of Asphalt Rubber Stress Absorbing Layer Used in Prvention of Reflection Crack | 王琨 | 2012.05 | ICETCE2012 |
31 | Study on the characteristics of diseases and thaw settlement of G214 hinghway in permafrost regions | 菅秀文 | 2012.05 | ICETCE2012 |
32 | Research on the moisture damage occurred on the asphalt pavement | 庞传琴 | 2012.05 | ICETCE2012 |
33 | The variation analysis of land surface albedo in Beijing in recent ten years | 冯海霞 | 2012 | IGARSS |
34 | 微型抗滑桩土拱效应空间特征的细观分析 | 姜春林 | 2012.6 | 岩土力学 |
35 | Research on Grading Features of Bituminous Steel-slag Mixture | 卢发亮 | 2012.06 | CEABM2012 |
36 | Research on Performance of Road Application of Converter Bituminous Steel-slag Mixture of Jigang Group co. ltd | 卢发亮 | 2012.06 | CEABM2012 |
37 | The Research on the Application of the Steel Slag Produced by the Converters of Jigang Group co. ltd on Base Course | 卢发亮 | 2012.06 | CEABM2012 |
38 | Study on Frost Resistance of Nano SiO2 Cement Concrete | 赵峥嵘 | 2012.06 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
39 | 真空法替代网篮法测定粗集料相对密度的研究 | 李志 | 2012.06 | 中外公路 |
40 | 紫外线吸收抗老化剂在沥青混合料中的应用 | 孙式霜 | 2012.08 | 公路工程 |
41 | Discussion on using waste freeway lime-flyash stabilized aggregate | 范圣伟 | 2012.08 | ICCAHE2012 |
42 | Research on the Paving Performance of Montmorillonite/SBS Modified Asphalt Mixtures | 贺忠国 | 2012.08 | ICCAHE2012 |
43 | Surface Modification Research for Asphalt Mixture Filler | 李晶 | 2012 | CEABM2012 |
44 | Nonlinear dynamic analysis of the foundation soil and the gravity pier | 刘勇 | 2012.08 | ICCAHE2012 |
45 | 基于微波与磁铁耦合发热效应的融雪除冰技术 | 郭德栋 | 2012.08 | 山东大学学报(工学版) |
46 | The construction technology development of immersed tunnel | 李水鱼 | 2012.08 | ICCAHE2012 |
47 | The Study of Land Supply Management under Asymmetric Information | 李忻忻 | 2012.08 | ICCAHE2012 |
48 | Study on testing the relative density of coarse aggregate by vacuum method instead of basket method | 李志 | 2012.08 | ICCAHE2012 |
49 | Research on earthwork calculating methods based on 3D laser scanning technology | 周保兴 | 2012.08 | ICCAHE2012 |
50 | Discussion the Effect on Improving Granite Bituminous Mixture Performance by Adding Coupling Agent | 张爱勤 | 2012.08 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
51 | Study on construction method of double-track tunnel on passenger dedicated line by numerical simulation | 张建国 | 2012.08 | ICCAHE2012 |
52 | Fuzzy Reliability Evaluation of RC Rigid-frame Arch Bridge in Service | 陈爱萍 | 2012.08 | ICCAHE2012 |
53 | The Establishment of Geodetic Datum in JiaonanCity | 王德保 | 2012.08 | 《Applied Mechanics and Materials》 |
54 | Key Technological Research on the Control Survey of Qingzhou-Linshu Super Highway and the Aerial Photogrammetry of Topographic Map | 王德保 | 2012.08 | 《Applied Mechanics and Materials》 |
55 | Study on testing the relative density of coarse aggregate by vacuum method instead of basket method | 李志 | 2012.08 | ICCAHE2012 |
56 | Compaction Characteristic of Lime Modified Expansive Soil | 赵峥嵘 | 2012.09 | CARPI2012 |
57 | Strength and Shrinkage Property of Nano Silica Powder Concrete | 杨红霞 | 2012.09 | Atlantis Press |
58 | Experimental Study on Mechanical Property of Soil-Cement | 杨红霞 | 2012.09 | Atlantis Press |
59 | 道路复合曲线放样元素的快速计算及精度评定 | 周保兴 | 2012.09 | 河海大学学报(自然科学版) |
60 | Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Stabilized Silty Soil | 赵峥嵘 | 2012.10 | Advanced Materials Research |
61 | Construction Quality Control of Dynamic Compaction Method Treatment Collapsible Loess Foundation | 赵峥嵘 | 2012.10 | Advanced Materials Research |
62 | 公路路线多目标遗传算法优化设计研究 | 叶亚丽 | 2012.10 | 公路 |
63 | Study on Sub-classification of Surrounding Rock during Construction Based on Theory of Qualification | 张建国 | 2012.10 | ICLEM2012 |
64 | 基于实测轴载谱的重载沥青路面交通参数 | 叶亚丽 | 2012.11 | 公路交通科技 |
65 | 考虑路堤影响的车辆侧滑与侧翻临界风速 | 胡朋 | 2012.11 | 合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版) |
66 | Key Technology on Constructing Modern Geodetic Control Network in ShandongProvince | 王德保 | 2012.12 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
67 | 黏结材料双轴试验中裂缝扩展的细观分析 | 范圣伟 | 2012 | 《公路》 |
68 | 真空法替代网篮法测定粗集料相对密度的研究 | 李志 | 2012 | 中外公路 |
69 | Method of TER Location for High-grade Highway Based on Fuzzy Rough Set | 李超 | 2013.6 | Advanced Materials Research |
70 | Research on Geographic Information System of Natural Zoning for Highway | 李超 | 2013.7 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
71 | Preparation and verification of a limit protective isolation structural analysis programs | 刘金慧 | 2013.6 | Material and Manufacturing Technology IV |
72 | Experimental Study on Engineering Geological Properties of Sandstone | 杨红霞 | 2013 | Advances in Civil Engineering Ⅱ Part 1 |
73 | Strength Properties of Cement Silt Soil and Damage Mechanics Model | 杨红霞 | 2013 | Advances in Civil Engineering Ⅱ Part 1 |
74 | Experimental Study on Compaction and Strength Characteristic ofWetland Fine Grained Soil | 杨红霞 | 2013 | Advances in Civil Engineering Ⅱ Part 1 |
75 | he Prediction Model of Foundation Settlement in Linear Loading Condition | 杨红霞 | 2013 | Advances in Civil Engineering Ⅱ Part 1 |
76 | Research on the Super Rapid Strength Repairing Material Effects Resistance to Water Damage | 杨洁 | 2013 | Applied Materials and Engieering Materials II |
77 | Application Research on Dynamic Compaction Replacement Pier Foundation Treatment Methords | 杨永寿 | 2013.5 | Advanced in Cival and Industrial Engineering |
78 | Orthogonal Analysis on Responses Indexes of Asphalt Pavement | 叶亚丽 | 2013.5 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
79 | Pavement Performance of Hot in-place Recycling for Waste Asphalt Mixtures | 叶亚丽 | 2013.3 | Advanced Materials Research |
80 | The Prediction of Blast Vibration | 张伟 | 2013.5 | Advances in Civil and Industrial Engineering |
81 | The Strength Characteristics of the Saline Soil after Leached | 赵峥嵘 | 2013 | Advances in Civil Engineering Ⅱ Part 1 |
82 | strength and Deformation Characteristics of Stabilized Silty Soil | 赵峥嵘 | 2013 | Advances in Civil Engineering Ⅱ Part 1 |
83 | construction Quality Control of Dynamic Compaction Method Treatment Collapsible Loess Foundation | 赵峥嵘 | 2013 | Advances in Civil Engineering Ⅱ Part 2 |
84 | Modified Shortwave Infrared Perpendicular Water Stress Index: A Farmland Water Stress Monitoring Method | 冯海霞 | 2013 | Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology |
85 | Key Technology Discussion on Surveying and Mapping 1:1000 Photogrammetric Digital Topographic Map of Laicheng Industrial Zone in Laiwu City | 王德保 | 2013 | Advanced Materials Research,ISSN:1022-6680 |
86 | The Establishment of D、 E grade GPS Control Network and Fourth-order Leveling Network in Laicheng Industrial Zone of Laiwu City | 王德保 | 2013 | Advanced Materials Research,ISSN:1022-6680 |
87 | 特殊行车条件下高速公路噪声变化分析 | 曹丽娜 | 2013 | 环境污染与防治 |
88 | 济南黄河三桥超声回弹综合测强曲线回归分析 | 贺忠国 | 2013 | 中外公路 |
89 | 济钢转炉钢渣在路面基层中的应用研究 | 卢发亮 | 2013 | 公路 |
90 | 钢渣沥青混合料级配特征研究 | 卢发亮 | 2013 | 中外公路 |
91 | 济钢转炉钢渣沥青混合料路用性能研究 | 卢发亮 | 2013 | 中外公路 |
92 | 基于加速加载试验的柔性基层沥青路面动力响应 | 叶亚丽 | 2013 | 公路 |
93 | 复合改性沥青混合料性能研究 | 尹文军 | 2013 | 施工技术 |
94 | 时速200km客货共线双线隧道施工方法研究 | 张建国 | 2013 | 铁道建筑 |
95 | Damage Detection of Continuous Box Girder Based on Modal FlexibilityCurvature Method | 徐向峰 | 2013 | Advanced Materials Research,EI收录 |
96 | The Tensile Force Test Model of Vertical Prestressing Finishing Rolling Rebar in Box Girder | 徐向峰 | 2013 | Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering III, EI收录 |
97 | 箱梁竖向预应力精轧螺纹钢筋张拉力检测模型(Tensile Force Test Model of Vertical Prestressing Finishing Rolling Rebar in Box Girder) | 徐向峰 | 2013 | 应用基础与工程学报,EI收录 |
98 | 冻融损伤后引气混凝土三轴强度准则研究 | 徐向峰 | 2013 | 中国科技论文 |
99 | 箱梁竖向预应力张拉力无损检测研究 | 徐向峰 | 2013 | 山东大学学报(工学版) |
100 | 带裂缝工作箱梁的刚度损伤评估 | 徐向峰 | 2014 | 中外公路 |
101 | The Meticulous Analysis of Skew Beam Based on the Space Skew Beam Element Method | 徐向峰 | 2014 | Advances in Civil Structures IV, EI收录 |
102 | 竖向预应力筋张拉力检测方法研究 | 徐向峰 | 2014 | 公路与汽运 |
103 | 轨道交通振动方向性对结构动力响应影响 | 张伟 | | 山东农业大学学报(自然科学版) |
104 | 基于地面三维激光扫描技术的建筑物整体位移监测 | 周保兴 | | 测绘通报 |
105 | 侧风环境下考虑行车安全的路堤风速场研究 | 胡朋 | | 重庆交通大学学报 |
106 | 基于行车安全的侧风多发区路堤风障形式研究 | 胡朋 | | 中外公路 |
107 | 基于房地产市场周期波动的土地供应时机研究 | 李忻忻 | | 天津工业大学学报 |
108 | Influence of Graduation on Road Performance of Fibers-Reinforced Asphalt Pavement | 朱峰 | | Materials Processing and Manufacturing |
109 | Evaluation of Moisture Susceptibility for Asphalt Mixtures | 庄传仪 | | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
110 | Pavement Performance of Low Dosage Cement Stabilized Gravel Powder Mixed with Aggregates | 庄传仪 | | Advanced Materials Research |
111 | Research on the moisture damage occurred on the asphalt pavement | 庞传琴 | | |
112 | Application of Pavement Quality Indicator in the Construction Quality Instant Control of Asphalt Pavement | 郭德栋 | | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
113 | Study on Water Stability of Granite Asphalt Mixture | 郭德栋 | | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
114 | Impact of rheological properties of fiberasphlat mortar on mixture road performance | 郭德栋 | | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
115 | Creation and Application of Highway Network Spatial Database | 何必 | | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
116 | The analysis of the engineering change impact on project cost based on the quantities bill valuation | 李晶 | | Applied Mechanics and Materials |